Saturday, June 13, 2009

Herd Control

Rulers love crises. Never let a good crisis go to waste. I think Rahm Emanuel said that most recently, although it's an old, old strategy started who knows when, probably by an ad man.

Marketers employ the crisis strategy almost as good as government. It goes something like this:

Have you just lost your job? Kids in college to pay for? About to lose your house? Work from home in your pajamas and quadruple your yearly income in less than 60 days! Call 555-555-5555 and start your new future now!

A crisis is the easiest way to steer a crowd. If you can stir up the same fear in enough people, they'll go the direction you want them. Here's how it works.

Crisis - Major lenders overextend credit to too many relativists. The relativists decide at the first bump in their financial road a new truth is in order. "We don't actually have to repay our creditors," is the new truth.

The overextended creditors are major players controlling trillions of dollars of loans. Of course the only thing backing up all that money is the promise to pay it back by the relativists who no longer feel that's a good reality for them. Companies implode.

Solution - Government steps in and says something drastic must be done NOW or it will be too late. A hand wringing populace caves, even though they know the government solution will most likely bankrupt their grandchildren.

Expediency trumps rule of law. We are now ruled by:
The Idea of the Moment.
In America the current Idea of the Moment defines the role of government as providing security in as many areas of an individuals life as possible. The problem here, according to the Constitution of the United States of America, the proper role of government is to stay as far out of an individual's personal life as possible. Therefore, the Idea of The Moment is diametrically apposed to the rule of law in America. But so what? We're all relativists, and the rule of law is too cement like for the progress of evolutionary civilization.

That's it!

A law can't be universally true if evolution is true.

It's all perfectly clear to me now.

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